Friday, January 15, 2010


Trenton just had his third night at home. The first two were a bit rough because he was always wanting to be held in order to sleep. Who can blame him? He's used to that cozy, warm womb! Luckily since Granna has been with us, Mommy and Granna could divvy out the shifts throughout the night. (Daddy would take the one from 8-11 while we would catch some zzz's, but we didn't have him in the late night rotation because work was really busy this time of year.) Slowly, we would try to extend his "crib" sessions from 15 minutes to 30 and so on. It worked but never lasted over an hour.

So now suddenly things have changed....and for the better! We don't know if it was the fact that my milk was in or that we swapped to a fleece swaddle sleep sack instead of blankets, but something did the trick. Trenton was sleeping a full three hours and then we had to wake him up (doc's orders) to feed him. We were having to fatten this boy up! The trouble was he didn't want to wake. It took close to 45 minutes each nursing session to get this little fella up enough to nurse. We felt so mean stripping him naked, flicking his feet, wiping him down with a cold wash cloth, but something had to be done! He caught on fast.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I am so glad to see pictures and read all about baby Trenton! Cannot wait to meet him!!
