Thursday, January 14, 2010

A+ From Dr. Clements

We had our first pediatrician appointment today, and it was Trenton's first "out of house" experience. Leave it to a new mom, but I almost forgot a diaper bag! Granna and I were out the door with little Trenton and it dawned on me that I didn't just need a purse anymore. So I grabbed diapers and wipes. What else goes in that thing? I knew more was needed but what so I just started throwing random baby things in there. It was full before you knew it. I'll never make that mistake again!

Trenton had dropped a little more weight, but he was only 4 days old so that is expected. He is down to 6 pounds 3 ounces. He is still having plenty of wet diapers...we were going through about 10 a day at this point which was a good sign. Lucky for him (but not so much for Mommy!), my milk came in today so we're told to feed him regularly and come back next week. Trenton had grown a quarter of an inch and all other exams were fine. He received an A+ from Dr. Clements!

Mommy with Trenton at his first pediatrician's appointment.

Trenton received an A+

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