Monday, January 18, 2010

Granna's Last Day

Well, today Trenton had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Clements. As we waited in the waiting room (Mommy, Granna, and Opa) we noticed how many Moms walked in with three kids and here we sat one kid to three adults. Interesting situation. When we went back, we learned how great Trenton had been doing. Not only had he grown another quarter of an inch, but he managed to pull his weight up to 6 pounds 11 ounces in the matter of four days! That's a gain of nearly two ounces a day! Way to go, Trenton! Dr. Clements was very impressed, as was the whole family! We don't even have to go back for his second week appointment since he was already about at his birth weight.

Unfortunately all good things have to come to an end. We were very thankful to have my mom staying with us for the past week to help us get settled with our newborn baby. She was cooking, cleaning, rocking, burping, running name it, pretty much anything but the nursing! This allowed me to heal a bit and Kevin to stay on top of his work. Trenton learned her voice fast and gained the title of Granna's "handsome little man."
Trenton made the gains and received another A+ report from Dr. Clements!

Opa and Granna before they leave.

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