Sunday, January 24, 2010

2 Weeks Old

We can't believe two weeks have already gone by! It feels like we just came home from the hospital. Although he probably is only 7 pounds now, Little Trenton is growing. He has the strongest neck and likes to pull back and stretch all the time. When his belly is full, he looks like ET with his skinny body and round belly--it is just adorable! We just passed his actual birth date and I can't imagine still being pregnant! Boy am I glad we induced early!

Trenton 2 weeks old!
Mommy and Trenton catch some zzz's.

Guess what time it is? Trenton knows!

Daddy gets the fun job. Two weeks worth of diapers (well, only from the diaper genie in his telling how many we actually went through in two weeks!) We just learned how to empty it. :)

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