Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let's Go Home!

It was time for Trenton to go home! He had dropped from 6 pounds 12 ounces to 6 pounds 7 ounces, which is normal at the time of discharge. Daddy had to take two trips to the car to load things up. Who knows how we packed so much for the hospital! Trenton's newborn go home outfit was enormous on him and his little feet barely went into the leg holes. Snow and ice were still on the ground from last week, and it was absolutely freezing outside. We tried to bundle Trenton up in his winter fleece bodysuit but that was even bigger, and therefore, impossible to use with the car seat. The car seat....that was another adventure. We needed some Georgia Tech grads to help us! Opa, Granna, Kevin and I could not figure out how to adjust the straps safely around little Trenton. He was just so tiny! The parking attendant came to the rescue. Poor little Trenton looked hilarious as we tried our best to snugly get the harness around him. The bulky clothes didn't help one bit!

We caravanned home with Opa and Granna to introduce Trenton to his new house. GiGi and PaPaw and Opa and Granna had displayed ribbons and balloons outside the house, which was fun to come home to. A new little boy was welcomed into Gardenside!

Our new family ready to leave Kennestone Hospital.

He looks like the kid from A Christmas Story.

Granna and Mommy struggle to situate Trenton in the car seat.

Man, look at that face! Who could blame him after the adventure to get him in the car seat.

It's a boy!

Daddy brings Trenton home!

Mommy shows Trenton his room.

He is just so little!

Opa and Daddy check out Trenton on the video monitor. Boys!

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