Monday, January 11, 2010

Trenton's First Real Day

Trenton's first night's sleep was pretty good. He never cried but we learned fast that we had a cooing baby. He is fully of noises which we were not used to. Daddy, the heavy sleeper he is, slept through all of it, but Mommy, the light sleeper, was up to it all. Let's just say this is something we are going to have to get accustomed to!

It was a big first day! Daddy was in complete awe of his precious little boy, and it was so neat to see their bond. Dr. Matthews from our church stopped by in the morning to congratulate our family. Trenton passed his hearing test, and the pediatrician saw him for the first time. All was well there, too. Then, that night Trenton received the big "c" to top everything. Through it all, several family and friends stopped by to welcome our little bundle of joy to the world.

Daddy and Trenton

Lorene and Lamar with Trenton

Jill with Trenton

Kristen and Erich with Trenton

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