Sunday, January 10, 2010

Welcome Trenton Luke Wagers!

After an eventful day of laboring, Trenton Luke Wagers was welcomed into the world at 7:21 p.m. on Sunday, January 10, 2010. He was 6 lbs. 12 oz. measuring 19 in. long. The delivery itself was a breeze lasting only twenty minutes. Kevin and I were thankful our moms could be in the delivery room with us to witness this special moment. The rest of the family anxiously awaited the news from the waiting room, and Kevin was overjoyed to announce that a precious baby boy had been born into the family.
Immediately the Daddy part of Kevin took control. Trenton's first diaper change was performed by Daddy (and it was the first time Daddy had ever changed a diaper, too!) Practically every diaper at the hospital was changed by Daddy which helped me out a lot.

We couldn't believe the miracle that had just become such a significant part of our lives. Parenthood was just beginning, and we were looking forward to the road ahead!

Trenton Luke Wagers

Dr. Street with us.

Daddy changes his first diaper ever.

It stays on!

We were thankful our family was there to celebrate this special occasion with us.

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