Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What We've Learned

Trenton does not like being naked, and we learned that fast. He hoots and hollers while we bathe his body, and then when wrapped in the towel for his hair, he loves it. He is started to get better with his baths now that his umbilical cord and circumcision have healed and we can bathe him in the sink. A space heater is helpful too!

Those hands love to be near his face. Even when swaddled tightly, Houdini can get his little hands out. Daddy is the master swaddler so we rely on him most of the time.

Boys have a mighty pee stream. I think he's soaked everything in the house at least once and he's only two and a half weeks old! We've tried a pee-pee tepee but that just soaked his back, we try to cover it with a towel but it seems to always fall off while you're placing a new diaper under him, we've tried to just be quick with it but it is impossible with his squirmy legs....we're are just going to have to get better at this!

We are sure there is a lot more to be learned from our handsome little man, so this is to be continued.....

Poor little guy! This was his first bath at home. I can't watch him when he's like this! Look at that grip! He looks like he is holding on for dear life!

Calmer now that he is wrapped in a dry towel.

I think he knows what is coming.

Daddy is so gentle, too.

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