Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baby's Nails

If there is one thing Mommy is scared of, it is cutting Trenton's nails! I don't know if you noticed, but Trenton is constantly wearing mittens (aka boxing gloves to us.) This is because his nails are so sharp and have scratched his little face on many occasions. The problem is, babies' nails are paper thin so you aren't supposed to cut them for the first two weeks. Well, Mommy is still petrified to cut them for fear of cutting him. Those nails are just so itsy-bitsy, so now we are going on 3 1/2 weeks and they haven't been touched. That's what Granna is for! After feeding Trenton, Mommy held him and Granna gave the nails their first trim. It really wasn't too bad because he wasn't squirming, like his usual self, because he was content over the milk. Then again, I had the easy part! This might have to be our Thursday ritual!

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