Tuesday, February 2, 2010


We really have tried to establish a schedule with Trenton, although this was a bit challenging with a newborn. (I think we found a good middle for the first couple weeks!) Now is a turning point. He has slept in his crib since day one, but we are trying to get him into his crib at a more reasonable hour (between 7-9.) We used to let him lay around with us until late in the night. So far, so good. Last night, Daddy put him to bed at 8:30. We thought it would be sooner than that, but after a diaper change, a book, prayers, and swaddling, it was suddenly 8:30. He slept for 4 hours and then I fed him at 12:30. He went another 3 and I was up again with him at 3:30. Then, the next feeding wasn't until 7:30. Might sound like a lot to some, but really that isn't bad. I'm glad he is starting to lengthen some sleeping periods to 4 hours now! It makes a huge difference!

We are also practicing the eat, wake, sleep routine during the day. Trenton seems really wide-eyed mid morning. I typically put him back to bed after the 7/8ish feeding but when he wakes around 10/11 he is really alert. I have found that he enjoys his infant seat, so while he's in it, I shower and get dressed. Then, I lay him in the middle of our bed while I do laundry or any other tasks. He just stares at anything for almost another hour. Soon, his eyes become heavy and he is ready to nap. The rest of the day he practically naps right away after feedings. We'll still work on that wake time. :)


  1. Thanks for sharing! We can't wait to meet Trenton.

  2. i love your blog! cant wait to meet him! i also cant wait to see kevin with his son! LOL! so cute!
