Wednesday, February 24, 2010

First Play Date

Today we went over to our friend Kinsey's house to play with her two twin boys, Hudson and Sawyer. They are about two weeks older than Trenton and just precious. The play date really consisted of the mommies talking while feeding, burping, and holding the boys in between. They slept pretty much the entire time, too, but I'm sure that will change before we know it and they'll be into everything. We look forward to many more play dates with the Powell/Wagers boys. I'm sure they will become good friends!

Kinsey with Sawyer (left) and Hudson (right)

Hudson, Trenton, and Sawyer "playing"

Yep, they're tired. Can you tell from those yawns?

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The infant seats seemed to be a happening place for the boys. Sawyer (left) and Hudson (right) Trenton has the exact same one at his house....must be a popular item.

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