Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trenton's First Smile

It doesn't get any sweeter than this! Trenton smiled for the first time today. He completely caught Mommy off guard and gave her a wide, all-gums-showing smile that brightened her morning. Although he had "smiled" before, he had never given one directly at a person just through eye contact. He would simply just smile in his sleep, while burping (when it felt good), or by having his back patted. Now he seems to be delighted when he catches a glimpse of you. It is true; a smile is contagious! We were lucky that GiGi and PaPaw were still in town to take a quick picture on their phone when the episodes began and join in the fun with us.

Trenton flashes Mommy an enormous smile!

He kept smiling everytime his eyes caught Mommy's eyes.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, those smiles were absolutely awesome!!! I am so excited that we were there to witness!
