Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy 1 Month Birthday!

It is hard to believe that Trenton is a month old today. He has definitely grown. We stopped by the pediatrician's office, and he now weighs 8 pounds 12 ounces and is 20 3/4 inches long. Although he's gotten bigger, he is still wearing newborn sizes. We've been hesitant about buying diapers because we keep thinking he'll grow out of the newborns soon, but it looks like we have a little longer to go until he exceeds the 10 pound "newborn" weight. It's kind of funny--his newborn clothes are finally starting to fit him nicely. Which is good because one outfit a day isn't quite cutting it anymore. We are definitely going through numerous outfits due to pee, poop, and spit up. What's new with a baby, huh?

Trenton has learned quite a bit in a month. First, he knows he likes to pull his neck back and stretch his entire body flat when burping. He is so strong with his neck, and it must relieve some pressure being in that position. On the other hand, he still isn't sure about a pacifier because 1) it confuses him since milk doesn't come out and 2) how does it stay in your mouth? You either have to keep placing it back into his mouth or he kind of props his hand against it. Therefore, we are still practicing with a pacifier. He has realized he enjoys spending his wake time in his little lamb infant seat or on his activity mat. As you probably have noticed in several pictures, he is very alert and likes to look around the room at what is going on. Those eyes are still a gorgeous deep blue, and we wonder what color they will end up being. Baths aren't so bad anymore, and he absolutely loves the book Snuggle Up, Sleepy Ones as a bedtime story. That is definitely the go-to book, and Mommy has already memorized the whole thing! He finds Mommy's voice very soothing and just stares while she reads/sings. She has created a special song called "Little Trenton Wagers" to the tune of "Little Bunny FuFu" which also calms Trenton. (Even Daddy and Katherine have begun singing the song because they have heard it so much--so funny!)

It has been a month full of memories! We cherish every moment with this precious guy and can't wait for what is ahead!

Trenton turns 1 month!

Our precious little baby boy!

It is hard to believe this is the outfit he wore home from the hospital. It is still pretty big on him.

He is just so sweet!

He's a squirmy one!

This is how Trenton tries to keep the pacifier in his mouth. It doesn't last long. It looks so big in his little mouth!

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