Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let It Snow!

Although snow was still on the ground when we left the hospital, Trenton experienced his first real snow today. We only received about 2-4 inches but that is a good bit for Georgia! We had fun taking Trenton through the neighborhood. He was such a good boy and didn't mind the cold one bit--of course he was bundled in so many layers! He didn't even fuss when snow fell off a branch and onto his little head. Daddy can't wait until he can go sledding, build a snowman, and have a snowball fight with Trenton!

Trenton's first snow!
The frontyard
Our backyardMommy and Trenton

Trenton doesn't quite know what to think when snow falls onto his head.

Getting a kiss from my Valentine (just a day early!)

Daddy strolls Trenton through the common grounds.
The two cutest men ever!

1 comment:

  1. Megan, Trenton is soooooo freaking cute! I can't wait to officially meet him this summer! You guys look awesome, I am so happy for ya'll. Miss you lots and I really enjoy this blog, it's very awesome! Love you guys, Lesli
