Saturday, February 20, 2010

Poor Guy!

Reflux is common with babies, and unfortunately we seem to be experiencing a bit of that right now. It is extremely hard to see Trenton in pain, although it is short lived most of the time lasting a mere 30 seconds. Initially we classified Trenton's nighttime grunting as "baby noises" but combining the noises with other behaviors we realized we might have reflux on our hands. So, after visiting the doctor we are trying a couple of medicines and making some lifestyle changes with Trenton to hopefully stop the problem. Daddy rigged the bed at a 30 degree incline and we're trying to keep him more upright after feedings. However, on top of those adjustments, the doctor recommended monitoring his heart/breathing for a little while to make sure he wasn't choking or having more serious problems coinciding with his reflux. It is sad to see this contraption hooked up to a little infant!

The machine was a nightmare at first, but it seems to be cooperating a bit more now. Basically, a loud alarm triggers with any change in heart rate (low or high), breathing concerns, or cord malfunction. Of course, cord malfunction is the frequent reason for the sudden panic in our household. The first night Daddy was in charge, and the machine was quickly shut off after alarming numerous times in a row (right as Daddy got back downstairs and sat back down to watch the Olympics!) The next night Mommy disarmed it by midnight after its endless siren. We seemed to be experiencing a pattern here, and we were very frustrated. Needless to say, by night three it only malfunctions twice and here on night four it hasn't malfunctioned yet....cross you fingers!

All in all, we are praying for a good report from the doctor this week and that these little changes make a huge difference in comforting Trenton during the time the reflux acts up--burping and sleeping. He is such a good sport and rarely cries over the matter. That is one of the reason why Mommy and Daddy didn't even think there was an issue in the first place and it took us almost six weeks to bring him in to the doctor. Leave it to first time parents! Hey, it's all a learning process and we're getting better at it!

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