Sunday, February 21, 2010


Today was another big day for Trenton. We went to church for the first time. He did great! For the first half he just laid on Granna's shoulder staring behind us. Then, when he stirred a bit, Mommy took over and he instantly fell asleep on her chest. Still no noises so it was perfect! Only toward the end did he become real squirmy--initiated from a dirty diaper--and you realized a loud shriek may occur at any moment. And by the way, it is slightly embarrassing when babies poop loud enough for those around you to hear! We had to hold in our laughter. Mommy took him to the annex and he quickly settled back down. She stood in the back for the remaining ten minutes. Not too bad for a 6 week year old! We were very proud!
Allison visits Trenton

6 weeks old

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