Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bath Night

Well, we've graduated from the foam pad in the sink to the whale tub. Trenton likes it a lot better,too. We only bathe him every 2-3 nights as the pediatrician recommended so that his skin won't dry out. It still takes both Mommy and Daddy to do the task but we're getting better, and one day, I'm sure we will be able to perform Trenton's bath solo. :)

Trenton taking a big boy bath in his whale tub.

He looks so much like his Uncle Brad as a baby.

What was that? Did I just pee on my head?

Mommy and Daddy, you should have put this on me long before that!

I love my bath lovie! It keeps me so warm and blocks any unwanted streams.

What a cutie!

Smiling at Daddy drying him off.

Trenton 9 months old
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