Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy 2 Month Birthday!

Trenton turned 2 months old today. He now weighs 11 pounds 13 ounces and is 22 3/4 inches long. He had a huge growth spurt this month moving to the 50% in the weight category. The poor thing was only in the 10% at his first pediatrician's appointment and then moved to the 25% after one month, but now he is catching up. He finally grew out of newborn diapers but flew through size 1. We already have him in size 2.

He also learned to smile this month and loves to show it off! He just stares at you and his new favorite spot is on the changing table. We end up moving the changing pad to the floor after changing him so he can just lay there cooing and smiling...or making whatever facial expressions he feels like that day. He is full of them, and they all crack us up!

We have recently been placing Trenton on his stomach to sleep, and he sleeps so good like that. It is amazing! He still curls up into the fetal position all the time, especially when on his stomach. We wonder if he'll ever stretch out completely since he was crampt in my 5 foot body for so long! I'm not rushing it. It is nice to have him snuggle like that as long as you can (especially while holding him!) Also, when he's sleeping he likes to bury his face directly into you squishing his nose. We can't figure out if his nose is cold or he likes it dark.

He also has this funny little thing he does with his hands. Granna and Opa noticed it first and now we see it all the time. He likes to tuck his thumb into his fists and hold them tight like that. If you look closely at the pictures below or previous ones, you see it on either one or both hands.

Lastly, Trenton has developed a bit of a baby mullet. I'm not saying it isn't cute (because it is) is just hilarious since he was born with so much hair. The sides and top have worn down a good bit but the back is still so long. It is adorable to see and makes him even cuter!

Curled up in the fetal position sleeping on his stomach.


Trenton's adorable baby mullet (and you can kind of see how he likes to bury his face straight into you.)

Here is a good picture of his tucked thumb.

His deep in thought look...

His surprised look.....

His goofy look....

His I love you look......

All these pictures for his precious little smiling ones!

His you've tired me out from all these pictures look....

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