Monday, March 22, 2010

One Social Baby

Trenton made some new friends today. They are his dangling toys for his car seat and stroller. Although it says 3+ months, we thought he would love to look at them since he is curious with the world around him already so I got them out of the package early. Before strapping them on the car seat and stroller, I decided to introduce the toys to Trenton. He loved them! He laid on the couch for close to an hour talking with them. He would also reach out for them (you can see his tucked thumb again!) and sometimes knocked them around. Finally he drifted off asleep for his afternoon nap, but before I knew it, his eyes were open again and he was back carrying on a conversation with his friends. Easy entertainment I'm thinking. :)

Trenton talking with his friends

Taking a quick nap.
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