Monday, March 22, 2010

Sleeping Through the Night!

We finally did it! Trenton slept through the night for the first time last night! What an major accomplishment--for him and Mommy! My friend Jill had suggested making him stay awake more during the day, which is hard for a little baby who enjoys snuggling and napping after ever feeding, but it worked! He woke up from his morning nap after only 45 minutes--perfect! Then, I had to brainstorm idea after idea to keep him awake and I learned the best tool was Mommy's face. We would laugh and smile and talk all the time. His midday nap was the longest because he fell asleep in his car seat so that was close to 2 hours. However, his afternoon nap was only 20 minutes and that was when he fell asleep playing with his toys--just a little catnap. That evening he briefly took a 30 minute nap with Granna while we were at dance lessons but she did a great job of keeping that little guy awake for the majority of the time. He has to sleep some or he'll become cranky. We learned that fast! So, after his 8:30 feeding he was in bed and asleep by 10:00--takes a little while to burp him, change him, and keep him upright for a short bit to prevent spitting up so much. It worked out perfectly! I didn't hear a peep from him until close to 5:00 in the morning when of course he was hungry (starving, I bet!) but of course had to check on him a couple times throughout the night because I was in disbelief.

We are trying our best to stick to a similar schedule today and not to sleep so much during the day. We will see how tonight goes. Hopefully our long wake periods will pay off, and we'll establish a routine of sleeping through the night.

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