Sunday, May 30, 2010


Trenton had his first slumber party at Granna and Opa's house this weekend. Although we've gone out on several occasions, it was no big deal before because he wasn't sleeping through the night. He would wake up for his 10:00 feeding and we were back home, or one of us was still at the house with him while the other went out. But, we had a wedding, so it was an all evening and into the night event. Technically, it was our first time away from Trenton at bedtime when we wouldn't see him until the following morning. Sad--I'll get over it! We must have woken him up once we got home because we had a pleasant surprise at midnight--an awake baby--just as we were getting ready for bed. He did go right back to sleep after eating, thank goodness! Mommy is babying stepping her way into leaving her little boy overnight. (And that will be here before we know it because another wedding next weekend!)

Apparently, it is harder on Mommy than Trenton. He didn't even know we were gone! He had the best time in playing in the Little Einstein ExerSaucer. The next morning he showed us just how fun the toy was. Mommy and Daddy are going to need to get one of these for our house!

Trenton talking to the sunshine.

Investigating other the toys on his exersaucer.....

Spinning the wheels.....

Talking some more.....Trenton loves to talk!

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