Monday, May 31, 2010


For Memorial Day, we took Trenton to the Arbor Bridge pool. This was Mommy's pool when she was growing up. Since it was the holiday weekend, we tried to get there early, before the neighborhood kids arrived and the pool became too crowded. Plus, we didn't know how he would react to the water and if it would be too cold for him since it was only May. Thankfully, it was not a short lived experience at the pool. Trenton loved it! He'd laugh, smile, and squeal as he kicked the water. We can't wait to take him back!

Mommy and Trenton ready to walk down to the pool.

First time at the pool.

Ready to jump in the pool with Mommy.

Practicing kicking with Daddy.

Trenton even convinced Granna and Opa to get into the water and play.

Ready for his nap. We had to make a tent for Trenton to ensure the sun was not on him. (We've learned our lesson!)

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