Monday, May 17, 2010

Gardening in the Bjorn

Trenton absolutely loves his bjorn! He gets to look out at the world around him while Mommy does tasks around the house. His favorite (and Mommy's too) is to water the plants, or as Daddy says, "Watering the crops." We have tomato and okra plants in addition to our flowers, and Daddy thinks that sounds more manly for Trenton (and himself) to do. Trenton grips on tight to Mommy's hand and she waters with the other. It seems that to also relax him because after we go back inside, he snuggles into my chest and is ready to nap. Before I even get up stairs to put Trenton in his crib, he is fast asleep.

Trenton gets so excited when I put him in the bjorn.

Trenton in his watering hat, loving the bjorn and the world around him.

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