Sunday, May 16, 2010

Trenton's Baptism

It was a memorable day for our family. Trenton Luke Wagers was baptized today at Marietta First United Methodist Church. Not only were GiGi, PaPaw, Granna, Opa, Uncle Brad and Aunt Jacquelyn there, but our friends Rosemary, Lorene, Lamar, Kristen and Erich were able to join us in celebrating the special occasion. We feel very blessed to have them apart of this unforgettable moment in Trenton's life.

Trenton has always been good in church so today was nothing out of the ordinary. The only change was keeping him awake longer so he could make it to the baptism part. He usually falls asleep during the opening hymn, but with a little extra effort he lasted the additional ten minutes until the baptism time. Dr. Sam Matthews performed the cermony and the congregation welcomed Trenton into the church. Trenton was absolutely adorable in his little romper attire, perfectly well behaved during the baptism, and a such trooper during the worship service (he fell asleep soon after his baptism, or course!)

Granna and Opa invited everyone over for lunch afterward. Trenton received a special book titled The Oak Inside the Acorn by Max Lucado and a decorative cross from Uncle Brad and Aunt Jacquelyn. We look forward to reading the story to Trenton over the years and remembering his baptism each time we look at the cross. We also enjoyed the baptism picture frame from Opa and Granna and look forward to putting a picture from today in it. Even more memorable was Trenton's baptism outfit, which they had given him as special gift a couple weeks before. Not only did Mommy love the outfit, but it is a unique gift that we hope to keep in the family for future baptisms.

Trenton Luke Wagers in his baptism outfit

Asleep from the service

With Daddy's family

With Mommy's family
Trenton wakes for Daddy just as pictures are finishing. No worries, we were fine snapping a few more shots!
He loves those hands!

Dr. Sam Matthews performed Trenton's baptism.

Mommy, Daddy and Trenton outside Marietta First United Methodist Church
Daddy, GiGi, Trenton and PaPaw

Trenton's bapism lunch

We were happy that Lamar, Lorene, Erich and Kristen could be a part of the celebration.

Mrs. Kristen and Trenton

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