Sunday, May 23, 2010


Trenton really enjoyed his first trip on the Crimson Commodore. He loved seeing his cousins again and cruising on the water. Riley adores Trenton, and it was cute to get all the little ones together again. We wondered how Trenton would do with a different sleeping environment, but nothing appeared to bother him. His naps and bedtime sleep were just the same as at home, which we are thankful for. Plus, there were plenty of extra helping hands to take care of Trenton all weekend long.
Now the drive up there was a bit more eventful than our last road trip. Although Trenton took a two and a half hour nap while driving the interstate, as soon as we hit the back roads for the remaining hour, he was wide awake. Let's just say we practiced a little exercising.....of the lungs, that is. Twenty minutes feels like an eternity with a crying baby but at least GiGi was there to climb in the back to entertain Trenton. Country roads and an upset baby don't mix well!
The drive back was better. Timing is everything we learned. Feeding 'em, burp 'em, play and then let 'em settle into a nice nap for the drive.

The Crimson Commodore

Riley wanted to hold Trenton immediately after they arrived.

Trenton on his first houseboat cruise.

Trenton so happy about being at the lake!

Trenton loves the breeze in his face! It is hard to see but there is a little fish on his bottom.

Trenton loves his cousin Riley!

PaPaw and Trenton

Cruising around Center Hill Lake. What a beautiful weekend!


Daddy and Trenton looking so cool in their sunglasses.

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