Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sophie the Giraffe

We really think Trenton may be teething or at least on the verge of it. It is really hard to tell and we could be completely wrong, but it says teething can occur anywhere from 3-7 months. His drooling is ridiculous and everything he touches goes into his mouth. Immediately, he starts gnawing away on it, too. Thus, Sophie the Giraffe has become one of his all-time favorite toy recently. Her reputation and prestige around the world is stunning, so we had to give this toy a try. I had not heard of Sophie before Trenton, but apparently this toy, which started in Paris in 1961, does wonders for babies. Trenton absolutely loves her so I guess it's true! He loves how the legs, neck and head can easily fit into his mouth, and the soft rubber is perfect for his gums. Apparently the contrasting colors are appealing to babies, and there is a unique taste and smell to the organic rubbery material she is made out of. She also squeaks when you squeeze her. Sophie adheres to all five sense and that is why babies get a kick out of the toy supposedly. Kind of sounds like a dog toy, huh? Hey, if Trenton loves it, so do we!

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