Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

It was Mommy's first Mother's Day. Daddy made her omelets for breakfast, and then Trenton helped her opened the cards and gifts. Mommy got a beautiful ring from her boys for her first Mother's Day. So sweet! After church we had a nice lunch at Granna and Opa's house, played tennis, walked the neighborhood--all while Trenton enjoyed a handful of naps. Granna and Opa gave Mommy a cute "Mommy and Me" photo book they created as a special gift. It was a memorable day!

Trenton gives Mommy her card and present before leaving for church.

Blue Topaz for Mommy's baby boy!

Trenton loves his GiGi and Granna so much! He got them special baskets for Mother's Day (Grandmother's Day for him!)

Getting some sugar from Trenton.

Mommy's little man!

Happy first Grandmother's Day!

With Aunt Jacquelyn

With Granna and Opa on Mother's Day

Mommy's first Mother's Day with her new little family

The Mothers

Granna with her kids and grand baby. Looks like Trenton is tired of all the pictures! :)

Trenton 17 weeks old

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