Saturday, June 5, 2010

Without Mommy and Daddy

Well, it was our first night without Trenton. Mommy and Daddy went to a friend's wedding and decided to get a hotel close to it since it was on the other side of town. It was a nice break from waking up early but of course we missed our little guy's smiling face first thing in the morning. The report was great from Granna and Opa. He loved his rice cereal, walks around the neighborhood, lounging on the front porch, and, of course, the exersaucer. We are proud to say he continued to sleep through the night (8:30-6:15) at their house. We never know if he'll wake up because and realize he was in a different surrounding--it is only his second night at their house. However, we did learn that Trenton is a little too used to Mommy putting him to bed. At our house, Trenton goes to sleep right after being put in his crib, but Mommy is the one almost always putting him to sleep. Granna said it was obvious he missed his Mommy because he cried--which he never does--for close to thirty minuets before falling asleep. He was really angry she said that Mommy wasn't there to "tuck him into bed." Who can blame him? He loves his Mommy! :) Just kidding! A better question would be, what did we learn? That Daddy needs to put Trenton to sleep a bit more so he only used to Mommy putting him to bed. We're still working on's so much easier, quicker, and smoother for Mommy to go ahead and do it.

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