Sunday, September 12, 2010


We enjoyed a weekend up in the mountains with the Wagers this past weekend. We met GiGi, PaPaw, Great Grandma, Great Grandpa Al, Uncle Ryan, Aunt Suzy, Riley and Chase for a weekend packed with fun. We hiked, fished, watched football, and played and played and played. Trenton absolutely loves seeing his cousins. It is nice because the kids entertain each other so well.

Trenton is so close to crawling and loved all the floor space the mountain house had. He developed his version of crawling while up there. We call it the inch worm. He has been getting up on his hands and knees for quite some time now. However, now he lunges forward landing on directly on his belly. He does it over and over and to get to a toy, place, or person. It is just like an inch worm!

Trenton, Riley and Chase on the "train" with Uncle Ryan.

Trenton is ready to test out the hiking back pack.

The brothers ready to take their kids on a hike. Trenton may still be a little too small for his, but it'll work.

Daddy and Trenton

Reaching the lookout on our hike.

Fast asleep before we're back from the hike.

Great Grandma and Trenton watching the men fish.

PaPaw playing with Trenton.

GiGi with a couple of her grandkids.

Walking The University of the South-Suwanee campus

Aunt Suzy, Riley, Chase and Uncle Ryan

Daddy, Mommy and Trenton

A group's hard to get the kids to look!

Trenton with PaPaw and GiGi

Mommy and Trenton

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