Friday, November 19, 2010

First Words

Trenton said his first words this week--and three different ones! Although it may have taken place previously, it became apparent to us on Sunday (11/14/10) that Trenton's bababa was definitely a dadadada. Who knows how long he'd been saying it. Then, Thursday morning, when Granna picked Trenton up at our house for the day, Trenton said one clear bye-bye (more like baa-baa) but it was as we were hustling to leave. All three of us were real amazed by this one because it came out of no where, but yet he used it in perfect context. To top it off, Friday Trenton discovered he could say Mamama. All weekend long, Trenton was Dadada-ing and Mamama-ing.....we are still working on more bye-byes, though.

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