Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas in November

Mommy, Daddy and Trenton went to Franklin, TN this weekend to see GiGi and PaPaw. We had perfect weather and were able to enjoy the outdoors the entire weekend. We went for walks through their neighborhood, played in the leaves, swung, and even tested out Trenton's new Christmas present from them, a slide. He babbled his newest words, Dadada and Mamama all weekend long, and talked up a storm in his own language of sounds when not saying those two words. He is definitely the most vocal of their grandchildren.

Although it was only November, we went ahead and exchanged Christmas presents with them. We will see them for a week around the holidays. However, it will be out in Colorado and too difficult to bring presents with all the baby necessities and ski equipment. Trenton loved his new slide, musical table, refrigerator magnets, and baby nativity scene that GiGi and PaPaw gave him. They are perfect additions to the new stage of his life--the slide for activity, the table for pulling up, the magnets to keep him occupied in the kitchen, a the nativity figurines for chewing!
It was a great visit and we look forward to seeing them (and Uncle Ryan, Aunt Suzy, Riley and Chase) in a few weeks out in Colorado!

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