Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our Little Helper

Our boy is so sweet! He watches us so closely and you can tell he wants to do whatever we are doing. He is our little helper!

Daddy worked in the yard this weekend cutting the crape mertle, trimming the bushes, raking leaves, laying mulch--you name it, he had our yard looking spiffy! Mommy and Trenton didn't want to miss out on all the fun, so even though a cold front had moved in, we went out there with Daddy. Trenton fit into the "manly" mode perfectly with his baby Carhartt overalls on. He just adores his Daddy and loved watching him work. Before long, he was all about playing with the rake. We'll have to get him his own little rake next year.

When Mommy unloaded the dishwasher Trenton was so curious about what was going on in the kitchen. He had never seemed interested in this before, but instantly he crawled right up to the dishwasher. After all knives, forks, or other dangerous things were out of the way, he helped unload all the spoons. Delicately, he gripped each spoon before placing it onto the dishwasher door. Then, he'd put them back and do it all again. It entertained him for so long!

It is so fascinating to see our little boy's mind churning. You wonder what he is thinking all the time! He is so smart!

Cleaning up the yard.

Trenton wants to rake like Daddy.

Trenton helps Mommy unload the dishwasher.

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