Thursday, November 25, 2010


Gobble, gobble, gobble....Thanksgiving is here already! We stayed in town for Thanksgiving this year and went over to Granna and Opa's house to join Uncle Brad, Aunt Jacquelyn, and Ms. Sandi from across the street. Although he napped through the main course, Trenton was able to eat his plate of turkey, sweet potatoes, homemade rolls, and green beans while we had pecan pie. He loved his little place at the dining room table!

Traditionally, we play a game over holidays. This year we took out Apples to Apples. Trenton woke up for the tail end of the game, but had fun helping Uncle Brad chose his cards and then "shuffling" the deck.

We don't know how we got so lucky to have the most gorgeous fall! We were able to take full advantage of the beautiful weather again today by playing on the porch, swinging out back, driving Trenton's car down the driveway and walking the neighborhood. Trenton could even go barefoot which he loves. Aunt Jacquelyn played "Indian" with Trenton's mouth, which is a game she created where Trenton's noises sound just like Indians. He gets a kick out of it!

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