Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy 11 Month Birthday!

Good thing Trenton is almost a year old and these monthly pictures will come to an end. As evident from these 11 month ones below, sitting is no longer a part of his vocabulary.

Just call Trenton an explorer! Under, over, through.....he is constantly on his own adventure. He loves being under stuff. He will crawl under every chair as he makes his way into the kitchen instead of going through the open space, and his current hideout is under his highchair. Recently he has enjoyed climbing over little obstacles. I guess he gets a kick out of the fact that he can finally get over them by himself. He used to get frustrated because he didn't know what to do at these hindrances but not anymore. He simply dives head first over them, sometimes bumping his head and other times smiling in delight. His favorites are the bars slightly off the ground that connect legs of our stool.

We have barricaded the house with rooms or places not for Trenton. For some reason he loves to go where he shouldn't--guess most children do. Because of Christmas and our Christmas tree, we have strategically placed the ottoman in front of the fireplace blocking the tree and fire area. Trenton stands, walking along this edge. Since he is fascinated with the tree we sometimes hold him and let him touch the branches, lights, or ornaments. A new word we are trying to teach him is "gentle" because he tends to get rough with things. He listens to that as much as he listens to "no" which is still work in progress.

Trenton is an eating fool! From curry chicken to the infamous three cheese puff, he eats it all. It is impressive and we are delighted that he is not a picky eater. He would rather have real food now and has dropped his bottle amounts. Besides nursing when he wakes and before bed, Trenton only has two 3 ounce bottles during the day. Plain and simple, he just doesn't seem interested. Favorite foods right now are spinach, graham crackers, and Granna's stew, which is made up of carrots, potatoes and peas mostly.

Trenton has added hi to his vocabulary this month. He also started waving with hi. It is precious. Pointing is common for him as well, since he has realized that he controls all these gestures.

One of the funniest things we noticed this month was that Trenton started going "vroom-vroom" with cars. Actually, he hadn't even had toy cars until recently so who knows how long he's been doing it. He must have picked it up from Elijah, who is his 3 year old friend. Elijah loves cars and Trenton sees him a lot. Of course, Trenton sees, understands, and mimics a lot more than we realize. Another cute thing is that Trenton has become best buds with a whisk--yes, like the one used in cooking--this month. It was after one of those days where Trenton had followed Mommy into the kitchen when she was cooking dinner. To distract him, Mommy gave him a simple whisk. Since that day weeks ago, Mr. Whisk has been to diaper changes, baths, nursings (where Mommy kept getting bopped on the head with it!), and even bed. He keeps a tight grip on that and has it locked under his fingers even when crawling. Do not try to take this precious toy--it is not worth it! Who knew whisk could be so fun?

He has taken baths to a whole other level, and don't think you can stay dry either! He'll lay on his back and wait for you to sing "Splish, Splash I was Taking a Bath" while kicking his legs as hard as he can. You'd think it would hurt his little heels, but he LOVES it! He laughs hysterically everytime. Another favorite bathtime activity is banging toys as hard as he can against the tub. It cracks us up because he blinks so hard in reaction to the sound. He must be fascinated by the loud, echoing noise it produces. Maybe we should do something about this, but the banging doesn't seem to bother us. He also is extremely intrigued by the drain. He touches it and looks at you waiting to see your reaction. A couple times he has managed to pull it up and let the water out. To that, we're done and we way "bye-bye" to the water.

Unfortunately, he is starting to act more needy in the 6 o'clock hour. He follows me around and pulls himself to the standing position by holding onto my legs. He stays there reaching up until you get him. Although I hate to see him go to bed before his Daddy gets home, I can see a 6:30 bedtime in the near future. With all this energy he is burning, he is apparently tiring himself out! He will still have his special time with his Daddy in the morning. Daddy (and Mommy too!) absolutely loves the morning routines because Trenton is calmer and such a joy to wake up to!


Our barricade so Trenton can't get to the tree or fireplace.

Leaping over the bars!

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