Friday, December 10, 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Santa Claus came to town! He stopped by Trenton's friends' Hudson and Sawyer's house for a visit before Christmas. We didn't know how Trenton would react to Santa because his cousins Riley and Chase are petrified of Santa, but we think he enjoyed his first visit. Trenton sat happily on Santa's lap and stared in awe at the bearded man. The hardest part was trying to get Trenton to look at us, not Santa, for a couple pictures. Santa even gave him a little present, a sock monkey jack in the box, for being such a good boy. Then, Santa read a Christmas story, led the group in singing "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer", passed out red nose, and gave each child a toy elf. It was a lot of fun, and it definitely got us more into the holiday spirit. We look forward to this annual event!

Trenton and his first visit with Santa Claus!

Sawyer and Hudson with Santa

Sitting on Granna's lap and watching other kids visit with Santa Claus.

High fiving Santa Claus

Santa reading to the group. Trenton was a bit antsy.

He wanted to take that nose off immediately. Then, it became a ball he threw and chased around.

Look, Santa gave Trenton a present!

Trenton liked his sock monkey jack in the box.

JJ with her nephew Jack

Granna and Trenton looking at the Bickford's horse.

Trenton wanted to play with the horses.

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