Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

The weather was really nice this New Years Eve. We spent the day playing outside and enjoying the gorgeous, sunny, and 60+ weather. Trenton loved his first wagon ride. He looked all around him as we pulled him around the neighborhood. It is a two seater, so we look forward to inviting a playmate on our next ride. Trenton thinks Rylan next door will like to ride it! :) We stopped by the neighborhood playground to swing and slide, too. Then, back at the house Trenton played a little football. Trenton enjoyed every minute of it!

That night we brought in the New Year at 8:00 vurses midnight so Trenton could join in the fun. We celebrated with sparklers and champagne. Trenton liked watching the sparklers flicker and felt extra special staying up past his normal bedtime. We can't believe 2011 is already here!

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