Thursday, December 30, 2010

Over the Hump

Thank you for all your texts, calls and emails regarding Trenton not feeling well. It is nice to know friends and family are thinking of you. He seems to be over the hump now. We really aren't sure what he had except for some contagious "thing." Based on the lab reports, the doctor speculates it was viral; it could be roseola without certain symptoms. It started when we were out of town in Colorado--he probably picked it up on the plane. It seemed like a simple stomach bug that needed to run its course. We ended up taking him to an urgent care out of town to ensure he didn't lose too much fluid; that is typical with babies. They gave him a prescription and sent us on our way. However, the day before we left for home--just as we thought he was getting over it for good--Trenton started running a fever, which wasn't present during the initial upset stomach stage, and developed a runny nose and cough. We gave him Tylenol, came home, relaxed over the holiday weekend, and thought Trenton would feel better soon. We were wrong again. The fever continued. So, we took him to the doctor on Monday. With the strep and flu tests negative, we left with the doctor's orders to continue Tylenol and Motrin every three hours. That night, his temperature spiked to 104.9 in the middle of the night. We ended up in the ER where they did more tests, including blood work, which thankfully also came back normal. They gave him an antibiotic through an IV to fight off any other illnesses he could get from a weakened immune system. Oh, he didn't like the IV one bit! Not only would he try to pull it out, which was wrapped around his arm like a cast, he would try to bite it off. Luckily, it was only on for a short period of time. We followed up at the doctor on Wed. The diagnosis was still probably just a virus and we had to wait it out. That is hard to do with a baby in discomfort.

Since then, he's had a hard time getting back into eating. He has definitely lost weight this month. His poor little stomach has shrunk so much that he can only eat little bits at a time. Pureed foods are easiest too--back to the real baby food for awhile. And someone has gotten spoiled sleeping with Mommy and Daddy and us holding him lots in the middle of the night for comfort. New Years resolution 1-Get Trenton back into his crib for the entire night. (Big mistake letting him sleep with us some when he'd wake in the middle of the night!) New Years resolution 2-Trenton sleeps through the night again! Wish us luck!

Mr. Skinny-Minny working on the laptop.

I'm starting to eat again! I love bananas! (He likes to hold his spoon, but eat with his hands.)

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