Saturday, January 29, 2011

Outdoor Fun

With the random warm weekend in January, Daddy got out Trenton's t-ball set that Mr. Lamar and Mrs. Lorene gave him for his birthday. (All these wonderful goodies! We are so lucky!) Trenton loved playing ball, but Mommy thinks Daddy loved teaching him how to grip the bat even more! (Not that he will remember, but hey, we start with the fundamentals in our family!) Daddy is going to be a wonderful coach one day!

Not only did Trenton get a kick out of hitting the ball, but he got a kick out of Mommy in the "outfield" who would run the ball back up to them at the t after each hit. We can tell he is going to be bugging us to play t-ball often!

We continued our outdoor fun at the Chattahoochie River Park. Granna and Opa met us there for a walk and then we stopped periodically at the various playgrounds to let Trenton play. He also was able to feed the ducks at one stop.

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