Sunday, January 30, 2011

Trike Ride

We could not have asked for a better weekend! Trenton had just moved up in age groups at the church nursery, so this was his first week in his new classroom. He did pretty well given the fact that he was tired and in a new place. We treated him afterwards to a little play time on the church playground. He found his favorite red slide there and will probably want to play every time after church from now on.

After lunch, Trenton took a long nap. We thought he was sleeping the beautiful day away, but he finally woke at 4:30 with a couple good hours of sunlight left. And, he spent almost every minute of his wakeful hours outside enjoying his playtime. Granna and Opa had given Trenton his first Trike for his birthday, and a deluxe version it was with a cup holder, cell phone, sunshade, and our favorite a push handle for the adults. He was instantly excited from the moment we strapped him in.

We must have walked over a mile around the neighborhood before we finally decided to call it quits. However, the fun didn't stop. We played more t-ball in the back yard and slid down the slide. He was having so much fun! Before we knew it, it was time to head inside for dinner.

We have been blessed with a very good little eater. Today's side to dinner were squash and asparagus--two of Trenton's favorites, but that didn't satisfy him enough. Bring on the steak! Trenton enjoyed his first New York Strip today. Who knew a little 12 month year old could be such a mature eater?! It was a big day for a big boy!

Daddy straps Trenton in safely to his new Trike.

Trenton is excited to go for a ride!

Whoever created this thing is a genius!

Sippy cup-check, cell phone-check....all right; let's go!

Trenton wanted to call his Granna and Opa on his cell phone to thank them for his fun toy!

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