Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fun with GiGi!

GiGi was in town for the best weather ever! I think we almost had a record high for one of the days in February. Everyday, they played together outside, enjoying the nice sunshine. Trenton loved having GiGi push him on his trike. They would stop mid-lap to play at the neighborhood playground or run around the grass on the common grounds. Trenton found out that he loves tire swings! It is so funny because now Trenton points to the playground each time we walk laps in our neighborhood and wants to you stop. There's no slipping by it anymore--he's too alert!

Trenton matches his trike in his Georgia warm-up. GiGi has come a long way dressing him in Bulldawg attire! :)

The tire swing was a big hit with Trenton!
Climbing on the fort was fun!
I'm ready for a trike ride again, GiGi!

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