Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Haircut

Trenton had a special Valentine's Day. GiGi was in town so he was able to spend the day with her. He did his first craft with Mommy, which was making Valentine's Day cards with his footprints for Daddy, GiGi and PaPaw, Granna and Opa and Ms. Buckler. That was about all Trenton had the attention span for because he was more interested in touching the red ink. It almost turned into a disaster in the bathroom while making them! Needless to say, Trenton's artwork hung proudly from our fridge!

That afternoon, GiGi and Mommy took Trenton to get his first official haircut from a professional(not Granna and Mommy doing it!) and it was needed! It is so hard to think of him getting a haircut when he doesn't have that much hair at all. However, the mullet was back and a comb over was forming on the top of his head from a section of longer hair. Mommy couldn't believe how big he looked sitting in the barber's chair. He was very good as the lady trimmed his hair and he played endlessly with various toys she had in the shop. Although I don't think we will be back to Snip Its anytime soon with the rate his hair grows, we will definitely keep the colorful store in mind down the road when Trenton is ready for his second haircut!

Trenton's first refrigerator art.

Trenton's mullet is back!
What a big boy sitting in the barber's chair!

Mommy makes sure he doesn't jump out of the chair.
Trenton was distracted by the toys.

It's done! Look how cute he is!

Trenton is proud of his first "official" haircut certificate and shows it off with GiGi!

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