Saturday, February 12, 2011

Family Day

We had a great Valentine's weekend as a family. We invited our friends the Millers over Saturday morning for breakfast. Mommy made heart-shaped pancakes and sliced strawberries. Trenton enjoyed his first taste of pancakes. We tried a little bit of syrup but that turned into a sticky mess, so he got the remaining ones without the sugary sap! Live and learn! We then concluded the morning with a wagon ride around the neighborhood. It's nice to have neighbors with children the same age!

For the second day in a row, Trenton has woken from his afternoon nap after only an hour of being down. But, then as soon as you pick him up, it is obvious he is still really tired. He drifts back to sleep on your shoulder. So, Mommy took full advantage of this (since there aren't too many like that anymore!) and let her sweet baby boy sleep on her chest. He napped an additional two hours! It was so nice! He is such a peaceful sleeper! I can just stare at him when he is resting on me like that!

When he woke, you better believe he was full of energy. He played outside for two hours straight! Daddy set up his basketball goal in the backyard and began shooting hoops with Trenton. Trenton is a little short right now to slam dunk it, but it won't be long until he can reach the rim. Until then, Daddy will just have to lift him to score baskets. No problem at all! And, I think Daddy had just as much fun with this new toy because even when Trenton had wandered towards the slide, Daddy was still shooting hoops himself! :)

To conclude the afternoon, Mommy made a special treat, jello jigglers in heart shapes. Trenton actually loved his first experience with jello, but little did Mommy know that the red would stain his hands. Not the best food for a child who eats mainly with his hands and misses his mouth often.

Trenton goes from toy to toy in the backyard.

Daddy helps Trenton make a basket!

Trenton feels like such a big boy toddling from one activity to the next!

Oops! Muscle man knocked over the goal. (Really, Daddy still needs to put water in the base!)

Trenton liked the different texture of the jello.

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