Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hiking The Indian Seats

To conclude our Valentine's weekend, we took a day trip up to Cumming. Our friends Stephanie and Wayne live there and Will, their baby-on-the-way will be here any day. We wanted to wish them good luck, see the nursery, and return some borrowed items. We look forward to our meeting Baby Will real soon!

After our visit, we continued through Cumming to the Indian Seats. The weather was warming up as spring approaches, and we were anxious to get a good hike in. Trenton had a new child carrier so it was a good chance to test it out. Little did we know, his reaction would be this excited! He was beyond himself bouncing in the carrier and his smile was a mile wide! Yes, he is a happy baby, but words couldn't describe this much excitement! It was cute to see!

Trenton pounded "giddy-up" on Daddy's back in excitement before Daddy even had the carrier strapped.

Trenton smiled from ear to ear while hiking.

Trenton loved being up high and seeing everything around him. He was part of the gang!

Our future little hiker enjoyed reaching the Indian Seat and looking out to the town below.

Trenton, Daddy, Mommy

Trenton fells asleep during our descend down the mountain.

Trenton and Opa hung out after the hike.

Granna and Opa giving Trenton his Valentine's Day!

Trenton loved his mini camping chair and Valentine's sock monkey!

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