Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy 2nd Mother's Day! What a blessing it is to be a Mother, especially to such a happy little boy like Trenton! I am thankful everyday for this time and gift, and I pray that I am the Mother God intended me to be. God bless all the Mothers!

Momma's little boy brings joy to every life he touches!

Trenton sure loves his Granna. It is not uncommon to see him reach out from one of us just to go to his Granna! They definitely have a special bond.

A wonderful Mother to us and a precious Granna to Trenton.

Granna found Mommy's bib from when she was a little girl. It said, "I love Mommy," and she pulled it out for the occassion. Although Mommy doesn't remember wearing it, she does remember putting it on her dolls (where it was found in a box) when she played house.

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