Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sprinkler Fun

Well, it has already reached the 90's in hot'lanta and it is only May! What better way to welcome in the immense heat than to let Trenton run through the sprinkler. It shocked him at first as the water splashed him in the face, but soon enough, he was running directly into it and laughing hysterically. Now, he is like a magnet with water. You can't keep him out of it. Bring on the summer and the pool!

Trenton had the best time cooling off in the sprinkler.

Dodging the sprinkler.

Run to my Daddy, run to my Daddy!

Together they laugh before Trenton takes off to run back through it to Mommy.

Here I come Mommy, directly through it this time! He got braver as the time went on.

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