Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Off With the Diaper!

Wiggle Worm Wagers is not the easiest child to change diapers on. Many diaper changes occur in stages. (1) Get the old off and new one on as best as possible (2) short/pants come later when he is willing to pause in his play. It's just the simplest way, and most of the time we are not in a hurry to go anywhere. One day we were downstairs and I began washing dishes. To my surprise, I turned around to check on Trenton after literally one minute, and the diaper was off. He was smiling mischeiviously (although this picture didn't capture it.) My little man out smarted me again. Needless to say, diaper changes are back to one squirmy step.

Not the best picture but it covered him up enough to post the pic. :)

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