Sunday, June 12, 2011

Texas in June

We took Trenton to Texas to see Mommy's extended family. The time change always gets us since we live in the Eastern Time Zone. We used it to our advantage and were the only people out at the playground at 6 in the morning each morning. It was very pleasant at this hour and a great way to let Trenton tire himself out so he'd nap good. Then, at 8:00 each morning, Trenton would systematically go down for his first nap. It actually worked out well because Trenton was able to re-energize before the girlies came to visit. They were the best babysitters, and Trenton just loved playing with them. From the pools to playgrounds, Trenton sure enjoyed visiting with everyone.

El Dorado park Mommy played on when she was a kid. Playgrounds have advanced so much these days, though!

The basketball court in Jay and Kim's backyard sure intrigued Trenton (and the men!)

Trenton had to join in the fun and shoot hoops himself!

We enjoyed hearing the girls piano concert. Trenton danced along with the music.

Then, he wanted to try it himself.

Trenton ate Kelsey's favorite food--pickled okra! Our good eater actually liked it!

Watermelon by the pool was a big hit, too!

As well as ice cream! Trenton was supposed to share this cone with Mommy, but from his first lick, he took it from her. Although messy, he loved it!

Cones for all!

Kelsey waits for the sliders.

Trenton flies down the slide with Emily. It was his first time down the playscape at McDonald's and he loved it!

Ashley took him down this time. What great helpers!

Trenton was cute as he finally went down the big boy slide all by himself. All he needed was for someone to show him the ropes (and maybe lead him through the tunnels to find the slide!)

We appreciated the Leskovens coming over for a day to visit since we weren't able to make it to Corsicana or Houston this trip.

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