Sunday, July 31, 2011

T and E3

With the mutliple Erich Schappelers, you will often hear us refer to the littlest Erich as E3.  Without a doubt, Trenton and E3 will be good buds growing up since our families are so close.  Unfortunately, Trenton and E3 have not had many opportunities to get to know each other so far.  Hopefully the get togethers will increase in the year to come.  We all always have such a good time with them!

We met for dinner at Canyon's in Woodstock.  The atmosphere was perfect for children--thank goodness! Oddly enough, Trenton seemed way more interested in Erich's baby toys during this dinner than his own.  Guess it brings him back to the good ol' times.  :)  Trenton likes to call anyone younger than him "baby" and it was no different during this dinner.  It surprises me how children do that, because E3 was about the same size as Trenton, just not walking, of course, since he was only 10 months.  How did Trenton know? 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pool with the Kesslers

Trenton certainly enjoyed his pool day with the Kesslers.  The loved wading along the pool ledge because he could do it all by himself and show off his love for water.  Whatever the big kids did, he wanted to do as well.  It is precious how he recites, "K" to any question you ask that he fine with.  We asked him about the diving board and without hesitation, it was something he was enthusiastic about trying.  It was his first diving board experience, and he loved it.  Thanks, Jeremy for catching me!

Trenton plays on the pool ledge with Mrs. Kathy and Kaleigh.

Trenton braves it like the best of them and excitedly jumps off the diving board to Jeremy.

Trenton and Jeremy swim to the ladder.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blueberries Patch

Blueberries are one of Trenton's favorites, so what better time to go blueberry pickin' (as we call it in Georgia) then now. Some of Mommy's teacher friends and their kids came with us as we made it for the last day of harvest . Trenton was excited to get his own special pail for the berries. We went along the shady path to nearby shrubs. As soon as he saw me pick one, he knew exactly what to do. Green, blue or didn't matter to Trenton because he was picking them all. If any of you know our little eater, then it won't surprise you to know that all of his blueberries made it into his mouth, not his basket. We had a quick chat about the only picking the blue ones because those were yummy and the others were yucky, and he was fine after that. Once the picking got boring, Trenton resort to sticks, which were very entertaining to him. Every so often he would wander back to me to fill his pail so he could eat. We came home with about a pound of fresh blueberries. I'm sure it would have been more if we counted all the eaten ones. :) Next July, this is going to be a weekly routine!

Trenton has his pail and is ready to pick blueberries.

Here's a good one!

This was a common sight as Trenton realizes his pail is empty. Time for a refill from Mommy!

Trenton and Maddox loved the sticks and this allowed the Mommy's time to pick the berries.

He was such a big help at the blueberry patch!

Climbing on the trackor is always fun!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

GiGi and PaPaw's 60th Party

GiGi and PaPaw both hit a milestone this summer.  They turned 60!  To celebrate the occasion, we threw them a party along with Uncle Ryan and Aunt Suzy.  It was nice to see all their friends and witness all the lives they have touched.  The kids had fun at the adult party and were very well behaved as the scooted around on their little toys and played ladder golf and cornhole. 

The entire family at the 60th birthday party.
GiGi and PaPaw turn 60!

Daddy, Mommy and Trenton

Out on the patio with Daddy and Mr. Roger.

Mrs. Jane and Trenton......Trenton wonders where he buddy Brooks is?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Franklin Mini Crew

Trenton and Mommy were lucky enough to spend time with GiGi for a week this summer. While up in Franklin, we saw some of Daddy's high school friends families. It was fun getting the 3rd generation bunco group together.

Trenton and Brooks ready for the ride back from the Cotton Wood pool.

Campbell and Trenton eating snack in the middle of pooltime at Mrs. Anne's house.

Riley, Campbell, Trenton, Molly, and Chase

Friday, July 22, 2011

Cousin Time

Trenton can never get enough of cousin time.  He absolutely loves every moment he spends with Riley and Chase (and he anxiously await the newest edition--as do the rest of us!)  Since Aunt Suzy and Uncle Ryan were moving, GiGi and PaPaw's garage was packed with toys.  Everything caught Trenton's eye and there wasn't anything he wouldn't try.  Several long, hot hours were spent in the garage and driveway enjoying the luxury of toys he had never seen.  The July heat certainly made the time outside rough, but there are things you do for your little ones.  I have to admit, when they were inside, they became very creative with their "fun", that is with the help of the oldest cousin Riley's brillant ideas. 

Trenton and Chase were both too little to reach the petals to drive the jeep.  However, Trenton soon discovered, from watching Daddy one time, that pushing the petal with your hand would do the trick just as well as pushing it with your foot.  He would crouch down under the dashboard and give it a try all the time. 

The rollercoaster was a huge hit!   He knew how to do it this time all by himself. 

You can see the sweat that drenched Trenton.  He even looks exhausted as he tried hard to keep up with his older cousins.

Trenton was super excited when his oldest cousin Riley took him on a spin in the jeep. 

The Elmo airplane made Trenton happy and he could do it all by himself successfully.

When we resorted to inside play, the laundry baskets were a fun game.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Prayers Answered!

I'm sorry to have kept many of you in worry, waiting over the weekend to hear how Trenton's eye doctor's appointment went last Friday. Since the results came out negative (I'll explain more momentarily) we proceeded with our plans to go to the lake with Kevin's family and I'm just now back from the lake and able to have computer access.

The testing at Emory resulted exactly in what we were praying for.....a perfectly healthy boy with just different size pupils. The first eye drop exam ruled out Horner's Syndrome and Trenton had further testing through second eye drops (to dilate his eyes) to confirm that his eyesight was not effect from the pupil variation. We are happy to announce after 4 hours of testing, everything is fine and he was diagnosed with Anisocoria. Anisocoria effects 20% of the population and all it means is that your pupils are different in size. We appreciate the opthamologists at Emory taking care of our sweet baby boy. They were so good placing the drops perfectly in the wiggleworm's eyes on the first try. Then, they were extremely patient while our little boy burned off energy in their office and waiting room. He loved their castle playhouse! Finally, exhausted from a long day at the doctor, Trenton fell fast asleep in Mommy's arms making the eye exam to ensure Trenton had normal vision a piece of cake. It is amazing that the doctors can do it even when a person is fully asleep. I will say, I know a sleeping baby made that part easier! They were probably appreciative themselves! We closed out the office and heading out after a long, tiring day, counting out blessings all the way down I-75!

Thanks for your prayers, emails, and calls. We have amazing friends and family looking out for our precious little boy, and we are grateful for that! We especially want to thank Opa for taking the time to go down to Emory with us to help out. It was nice to have you there for support.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Surfing Center Hill

It was yet another nice weekend up at the houseboat. We enjoyed celebrating PaPaw's 60th birthday with yummy cake. Then, the rest of the weekend was spent on the water. Trenton got in his first surf run with Daddy. At one years old, we have to say he is a brave boy. You ask him if he wants to do something and he quickly nods and recites "k" could you turn that precious face down. And somehow, everything is super fun to him. Looks like our little daredevil may follow in his Daddy's footsteps on the lake!

Singing Happy Birthday to PaPaw!

A foot and a half tall and surfing.....go Trenton!

He didn't quite know what to think of the water splashing around him on the surf run.

Big boy enjoys the boat ride back to the houseboat.Trenton is definitely a water-loving Wagers!

GiGi and Trenton ask for more food for the ducks. Trenton learned sign language early on and "more" has really stuck with him. He asks for more when eating, when music is playing and he's dancing, when he wants to do something name it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prayers, Please

As some of you know, Trenton had an eye doctor's appointment when we returned from the lake after the 4th. His pupils are asymetrical, which is common, and we wanted them to have further attention. However, from the examination, the eye doctor wants to refer Trenton to Emory where they will perform additional testing. The additional testing is to hopefully rule out Horner's Syndrome, a life-threatening illness. Please pray that the procedures preformed at Emory do not prove the assymetical pupils are related to Horner's Syndrome. His appointment is this Friday.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pool Party

We were so glad to be in town for the annual neighborhood pool party. The pool party kicked off with a patriotic children's parade. Although several families were out of town, Kendall, Maddox, Rylan and Trenton got to take part in the festivities. Decked out in red, white and blue, we circled Gardenside. BBQ and splashing following the parade at the pool. It was a fun day for all!

Kendall, Maddox, Trenton and Rylan at the start line and ready for the parade.

Best buds Trenton and Rylan rode in the wagon together.

We love the USA!

Mommy enjoyed pulling the boys in the parade.

Maddox and Trenton decided to use their hats for more than just shade. What perfect buckets you smart, little boys!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Our Firecracker!

It's off to the lake again! We were joining Kevin's family and a couple of their relatives from Indiana at the houseboat for the long July 4th weekend. Without a doubt, one of Trenton's favorite parts about going to the houseboat is seeing his cousins. Each trip bring new fun for them, and this trip was nothing out of the ordinary. Riley is such a helper with Trenton and watches over him like it's her own brother. Chase is full of love hugging all over Trenton these days. He has just recently learned to say his name and it is so cute!

It was a big weekend up on Center Hill Lake for Trenton. He had two first: 1) sliding off the houseboat slide and 2) tubing! Both were very exciting to him and didn't scare him the least. Our boy is definitely fearless in his actions, at least at this stage in his life, and because of this, we have to be extra careful. Nevertheless, it makes introducing stuff like the water sports lots of fun.

We weren't quite sure if Trenton would last through the firework display, especially since we were on Central time and wouldn't take place until at least 9:30. However, with his two naps that day, he made it! Although he became a little antsy and could not sit through the duration of the show, he did manage to relax on your lap for short intervals glazing up at the sky in awe of the explosions. I think a highlight from the firework show to him was the red, white and blue glow necklace GiGi had given him at dusk. He enjoyed swinging it around like a ninja and watching it glow in the darkness.

It was a wonderful holiday weekend, and we were glad to spend the time with friends and family. God bless America and thank you those who serve our country!

Daddy and Mommy with our little firecracker!

The brothers with their adorable kids.

Trenton was like a broken record recited "GiGi" and "PaPaw" all weekend long.

Trenton loved Erin playing with him on the boat. Thanks for the help! :)

Trenton is very determined. When he puts his mind to something, he concentrates so hard to accomplish it and gets frustrated easily if something stands in his way. Here, he builds an enormous tower with blocks.

Trenton had fun with Andie and Tate.

Trenton tested out the puddle jumper for the first time this weekend. We hadn't tried it yet since he was only 23 lbs and a good bit under the weight limit. He liked it (that is, in the water!)

Trenton and Daddy get ready to slide.

And they're off!

Daddy is still an amazing wakeboarder! He's his back roll flip.

We are so proud of cousin Riley who just learned to ski this month!

Daddy and Uncle Ryan return from a jetski run with Trenton and Riley.

Daddy is ready to take Trenton on his first tube ride. Riley is joining them.
Trenton and Riley trade glances as they tube the lake.

This picture cracks me up! Not only are Daddy's feet up in the air, but Trenton's little crossed legs are flying high, too. Hang on have precious cargo, Daddy! :)

What a big boy! Not even 1 1/2 and riding the tube! What a brave little fellow!

July 4th is here! Happy Birthday America! Trenton celebrates with some splashing!