Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hiking Kennesaw Mountain

We took a family hike up Kennesaw Mountain after church today.  Trenton was a big boy walking some and then rode on Daddy's back for the remainder of the hike.  We let him hike the last stretch to the top where the cannons were lined up, however, it took quite awhile because Trenton was more occupied with the acorns than making it to the top.  With a little persuasion, we finally made it.  We had a nice view of Stone Mountain, the Marietta Square, and downtown Atlanta in the distance.  It is wonderful to have such a good hike right around the corner and to take advantage of the fall foilage this time of year!
 We tried to show Trenton the cannons........
 but all he cared about was gathering acorns to stack on the fence.
 Daddy and Trenton take a break on the top of Kennesaw Mnt.  (Doesn't Trenton look like such a big boy in this picture?!)
 We had a good view of downtown.
 Time to hike back down the mountain.
And look what we came across.....the first deer of the season!  Trenton was fascinated!

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