Saturday, October 15, 2011

Marietta Square Harvest Festival

The Square had their Harvest Festival this weekend.  Beside seeing all the scarecrows decorated the community, we enjoyed the children's activities.  The Marietta Fire Department was there, and not only did Trenton get his very own fireman's hat, but he got to meet Sparky!  He hugged, high fived, and even kissed Sparky.  He gets the biggest kick out of these dressed up characters.  Another fun thing was the bounce house.  Just like a week ago at the pumpkin patch, Trenton loved the bounce house and did not want to get out.  The funniest part was when he fell down in the crack.  He would twist and turn and frolic around trying to get himself back up.  We couldn't help but laugh.  Then, Mommy went in for the rescue.  That is when the temper tantrum began.  He did not want his Mommy to get out.  He'd say, "Tay, tay" (for stay) and then "Come 'ere" (come here.)  After I would get out, Smarty-britches would then purposely throw himself into the crack so that I would have to come back in to get him.  Needless to say, we wouldn't give in to this behavior.  Following a brief, meltdown, we were able to regroup and play in the train-ground and around the Square for almost 2 more hours (somehow!)  Isn't it amazing how the extreme emotions that can pass through kids in a matter of 5 minutes!
They call me a fireman......and that's my name.....
Makin' my way all around the town putting out old flames.  (A little tribute to Mommy's favorite George Strait song when she was 5.)
Rylan and Trenton sport their firemen hats.
Hooray for Sparky!
Bounce house fun!
Trenton and Will were wild men loving every moment.
I can't get up....I can't get up!
Why does this remind me of the kid from A Christmas Story?! 

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